Rushing about doing nothing!
Had to be at the hospital for 8.30 this morning!!!! 8.30!!!! A.M. … really…. Had Fran’s hearing test, which showed good hearing but gluey ears, probably meaning she does indeed have quiet days when she can’t hear much. She might need more grommets, they made her an appt with the consultant for May.
Then, since we were out, we went to our local play area place and had a charge around. Fran got a bit weepy, i think her jab caught up with her today.
So we came home and D and E came round to play while moo was out and Scruff asleep. They had a nice time and much giggling was done. Then i dropped D, E and F (giggle, it sounds like multiple choice!) at the library, got Moo and came back to get them.
Girls all flopped watching Nemo after that. No one seems to have much ompfh!
They had such a nice weekend though and are absolutely full of it. Fran and Tilda had photos taken but she left them there and is very upset, so was very pleased to see Chris’s photos today. Was incredibly chuffed at the reported conversation of Poppy congratulating Fran on “getting” her p’s – how nice to have such lovely children among us :~) Fran is of course pining for an X-box now – cheeky blighter actually said “give it to me mum, i’ll do this bit for you!!” !!!!!!!!!!!!*%&^!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moo on the other hand, chose Strawberry jam for a sarnie today, a whole YEAR after having chocolate spread and deciding nothing else would do EVER!
She and i fell out this evening. She is really “boundary testing” over helping and tidying atm and i am finding it a bit trying to say the least. She will just look me in the eye and refuse… grrrrr…..
Scruff being adorable – she said “dog” and “balloon” today – bless! Woof woof!