Chuckles at LEA
Well i think we have reached a decent compromise… I am very proud of myself actually. Stood my ground when EWO phoned and refused to let her get away with any of the “monitoring”, “SAO” and “assessment” malarky.
Explained my position that i was not actively against visits but i did not feel it was appropriate at this time for my 5 year old. After a fair bit of argy bargy, and boy am i glad i had the law at my finger tips, she agreed that i had provided suitable evidence of an education in the report which she would now look at to do a report back to us. *rolls eyes*
As a compromise (and to be honest she did seem reasonably nice!) I have agreed to meet, not in my home or necessarily with Fran, in September with the EWO. That suits me reasonably well – i’m perfectly happy to meet them at some point on my terms. As things stand, its likely to be as good a time as any to get it over for another year.
There was a fair bit of “we have to monitor”, “we have to question why you are refusing access” etc etc – but it was pretty much all said with a stutter, so i think she knew i knew!!!!
*Looks relieved at job done* I know i could be even stroppier and refused point blank, but tbh i think i have won a victory for our local area anyway and given that i want the LEA to be good to us in terms of Moo, its probably not worth being completely reactionary! Might well end up doing us more harm that good.