Well the stamp album went down a treat! We took Moo to nursery again today and then came home for a bit of quiet time like we normally have. We needed it as Fran had been getting more and more uptight and tearful all day. She is constantly shouting at the moment (must book hearing test) and i feel like i do nothing but nag her to tone it down :~( Scruff was also SERIOUSLY winding her up and it had all just got a bit too much.
Anyway, peace was restored and we got out the stamps – she wrote the name of the country into the top of the page and then we found the stamps and she stiuck them in. I found a map in my book of each country and copied it for her to colour in and then we coloured each one the same colour on a world map. She is SO pleased with it. i figure stamps covers reading, writing, fine motor skills, maths of the money, geography, history, nature and work on using space efficiently on graph paper. Bargain!
After that we did a “Countries of the World” sticker book (she took a couple more up to bed tonight too) and then got Moo. She tried to initiate a game of ballet upstairs but the other two wouldn’t play and she got upset. Poor girl :~( So it was videos till a very noisy tea time and early beds all round.
Except Scruff refused to sleep in her cot and inisted on being put to bed in Moo’s bed, where she still is – wail.. my baby!!!!