Muddlepuddle Camp strikes again!!!!!!!
Back safely and what a great week! :~D Once i get my photo facilities back i will do a proper diary of it but here are a few highlights.
*Seeing the Angel of the North with a rainbow behind it.
*Making it safely through possibly the worst rain i have ever seen. Actually just making it given that i didn’t read the directions! *wry grin*
*Not seeing my eldest two all week (in a nice way) cos they were so busy charging around having fun. (Shame about *Scruff’s behaviour but never mind)
*Going to Dynamic Earth and being glad to have reclaimed my girls for a day out together. And what a FABULOUS place.
*Watching 40 kids have fun ALL week.
*The 7 year olds – say no more!
*Seeing a bunch of smalls marchnig around saying “Doom on YOU!!! Doom on YOU!!!”
*Camp catch phrase “Okay?????????”
*All the workshops, activities but definitely the Roman Museum and Fort walk at Trimontium where we definitely got a climate style introduction to what the Romans must have thought of Scotland. *raises eyebrows at Joyce in a “consider yourself weather prefect for next year” sort of way* ;~)
*Late night chats after sneaking out of the dormys after lights out.
*The Mosaic and the banquet with real Roman food, Roman costumes and ahem.. Roman party games.
*Talullah and Scruff in their togas.
*Moo at a Roman banquet in a fairy dress and having her 4th birthday cake with all those kids.
*The table full of mutual resources to look at and chat about.
*Never ending hot water.
*Getting to see Uncle Rich at Durham University – Fran said “I thought he would have more books in his room… and less girls!”
*Camp Granny Gamma/Val for being a total star in the face of adversity!!!!
*All Camp husbands!!!
*Communal eating and the brave cooks who attempted it (very successfully) – not to mention everyone who chipped in with tidying and cleaning to the best of their abilities.
*The friendships formed and cemented and finding myslef among people who i love and enjoy spending time with.