Kids are so weird!
My lot never last long in the snow- to be fair none of them are that well but they only made 15 minutes tops. Still they liked it and Scruff was most impressed by it – it was her first snow! The other two snowfought for the first time – i have a little camera clip of that but i don’t know how to upload it – still – prolly only interesting for mummies anyway!
Most of the morning passed in a blur of trying to get a plumber round and chatting to an occupational therapist. She was most excellent actually and is lending us a birth ball type thing and a rebounder on a long term loan for Moo – i like THAT kind of input! Moo’s is often much happier for a bit of a roll or bounce so it might help with more difficult days. Although has to be said that she is loads happier since CP. She’s also got a very cute haircut – like Julia Roberts in Hook.
Anyway, she went out, Scruff zonked (having only been cornered once today for violent offences) and Fran and i curled up in hat coats and gloves to play. (It was blooming freezing!) She did a sticker book of Barbies from round the world and we decided to do a couple of flag/atlas sticker books tomorrow, then did another Peter Rabbit one while i made colouring books for the weekend journey. We watched a Peter Rabbit video as she really wasn’t feeling up to much and had coughed all night and then she found a couple of Schofield and Sims workbooks and started a load of writing practice. (Odd really – she did lots of pen control ones but shied away from the letter and numbers.) Still she seemed to have fun. Finished off with a bit more of the killer whale book. When we got back she and Moo took it in turns to play Reader Rabbit thinking games. I love watching Moo play the cookie part – she is so methodical! Centre first, move along the rows, right every time – bless her.
I feel a bit weary of everyone being ill – it dampens the enjoyment. Still – more hols soon!