Still going strong
30 still appears to be okay – although i may have a new wrinkle…. and my skin is definitely drier… still, its to be expected now…. *sighs heavily*
OMG – if i have another baby, i’ll be an elderly pregnant person :~O
Anyway, its been a quiet and lovely weekend – girls have pootered, played imaginary games, read books, watched films, adored the various grandparents and uncles that came round and spoilt me rotten. They have sat down both nights to watch “Bonjour mes amis” and have picked up quite a bit! So funny! Today fran asked me to teach her the ABC rhyme so she got it exactly right.
I made biscuits with them both and we used the digital scales which they like, particularly the “tare” button . We stuck sticker on paper to make collages of fish and butterflies, did beads and had party teas.
Today my mum took me out to do some shopping as we have no car – i had to pop to ToysrUs for an emergency stock up of something and spotted a set of slides for £4 – so i got them and we used our telescopic viewer to look at some of them. Perfick!
Moo still being a stressed out control freak… sighs again… not sure whats going to happen to change it really.
Scruff is being.. cheeky – Alison, you thought she needed a new name? Well, aside from “atom bomb” how about “scoop, muck and rolly” on account of a certain nappy related activity she has taken to indulging in if she isn’t keen on having been put to bed…
Fran suddenly “got” how to make “B” come out today- it was amazing – all these years of a major speech problem and suddenly its fixing – the thrill is fabulous! Good old Gramps for playing the game with her that triggered it!
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