She did it!
Today was the Gala and she did it!!!!! I am SO proud of her – she made it all the way throguh her programme (to an enormous chorus of “aaaaah’s”) without falling over and all in the right order – it probably wasn’t the best she has ever done it but she did it and thats what counts! The big girls were fantastically supportive and cheered and clapped every little move she did just like they do for each other with more complicated stuff and she just glowed with pride! I think skating in front of 500+ people on a bright, huge ice rink at 5 takes some doing… what a star! She looked adorable too and was so chuffed that mummy finally got her bum in gear and got proper skating tights for her.
I on the other hand was a dribbling, terrified wreck! I hope its going to get easier! rofl!