Blogger got the munchies
I typed this huge long post yesterday and blogger ate it. Which is annoying. I don’t wish to repeat myself but it was a good day, so i shall try, in small chunks so it doesn’t disappear again…
So – first of all Moo – Sarah – you have my sympathy totally over the hand – its been HORRIBLE being ill this year and Moo came in yesterday when i was still in bed and said “mummy are you poorly in your neck today or are you getting up?” !!!!!!! But aside from that, I’ve been had. Yesterday we had another rip roaring performance till the lift arrived then off she went. Brought her home happy and asked her if she had had fun. She looked me dead in the eye and said “No. I HATE nursery. I HATE you. DON’T make me go back.” I was stunned and very upset. Then daddy came home and asked the same and lo and behold, she launched into a long chat about everything she had done and all her friends!!!!!!!! I was gobsmacked. Very quietly i said “Moo” and got her to look at me – she gave me a steady look, then started to grin and looked away. I’d been HAD! She was making me feel bad! Today she went fine, when i asked if she had fun she said “no” but was smirking and when i asked again she told me all about it.
My baby grew up and got clever! rofl!
While she was out Pud and i had a lot of fun. First we had lunch and while she ate i read her poems about the sea from a Barefoot book called “Sea Dreams”. Then she did beads while i read to her about killer whales and sperm whales – we looked at pictures, discussed evolution (why did the whales move into the sea? Cos it was hard to walk on their flippers!), carnivores, herbivores, schools versus family pods, matriarchs, parenting in the animal kingdom, size and then talked about the sperm whale and its wax organ for diving for ages. We lit a candle and watched the wax warm and cool and stuck a crayon into the flame and drew with melted coloured wax. We held our hand above the flames and felt the warm air moving upwards. We used a school express unit on whales for some facts and figures, found the diet of a killer whale on the internet and cut out pictures of al lthe animals it eats. We used our lovely DK Animal book a lot – (gorgeous) and also a borrowed copy of the Blue Planet book. Then i read her more poems and tried something out from curiosity. I told her a poem was about the sea and asked her to sit still and imagine the picture it made in her head. She said “dolphins” – the first thing i imagine that came into her head and nothing to do with the poem really. So then she got some beads out and i carried on reading al lthe poems in the book while she played, coloured, beaded, dolls housed etc – after each poem where she was apparently “occupied” she knew what the poem was about and could express an opinion. We learnt a bit of one about a turtle and she adored Spike Milligans “A baby sardine”. I wonder what the children who listen best while fiddling do in school? I know i was like that – i used to make shapes with blue-tak to help me concentrate but i was always in trouble for it!
We also finished a lovely sea collage she has worked really hard on. Will do a pic at some point.
Today we made a diagram/pictorial description type thing of a killer whales diet (you know a MOOSE has been found in a killer whale stomach!!!!) and went to speech therapy. She tried really hard and is pretty receptive to just “lets sit down and practise getting this sound right”. Its quite funny, they have all these games to trick kids into therapy but Pud sees straight through them – she prefers the truth! Rainbows went well tonight even if she was a little B****r for much of the day! (Felt tip pen EVERYWHERE *fumes*)
Scruff has added “I’m stuck” and “Over there” to her repetoire!
Awesome Post!