Of Beads and Babes
Well just as i was settling down to blog last night, a wobbly little voice sounded from the stairs…
“Mummy, i had a little accident with my nose – can you take me to the doctors to get it out????”
“Get WHAT out?????”
“I accidently sniffed up a bead….”
Now, if this was the first time, i wouldn’t have minded, but she has done it before!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And her best defence was at least it was yellow, her favourite colour (????????) So a particularly unpleasant couple of hours with 4 medical people and 2 hospitals, some pliers, tweezers, a vacuum pump, a long metal hook and a syringe ensued… and it was the most ENORMOUS bead. What is with kids? This was after (i assume) Scruff managed to break a glass upstairs and leave shards everywhere (without damaging herself- i have no idea WHEN this happened as i could have sworn she sat next to me all day, so i suppose i am blooming lucky she didn’t bleed to death while i was vacuuming or whatever :~( Bit worrying.
Still, the kids waiting room had an enormous underwater mural all the way round and we named everything in it and the second doctor put a camera up Puds nose and ears so she could see what she looks like inside (“URGH… it looks YUKKY!!”), so i suppose it counts as an educational experience/opportunity…. *hunts for bright side wearily…*
Anyway, before that we had Rainbows. It all seemed to go very well really. They all listened and i got them to feel the bit of their mouth that Pud has missing with their tongues and got them to try talking without shutting their lips. It was fairly obvious which girls had been involved, the older ones all said they had noticed she spoke differently, the little ones seemed fairly oblivious really! Anyway, they all seemed nice kids really and said they would be kind and thoughtful – the guider talked to them a bit about their promise, which is to be “kind and helpful”. I watched discreetly afterwards and Pud was happy, (she had helped the leaders while i explained) and i noticed all the big girls holding her hands, helping her learn the games and they took her to their table. I suspect it will be okay now.
What is not so good is that the last couple of days she has referred to “my silly gap” “my silly sounds” and asked if i can understand her, several times. She also won’t speak to people in shops anymore. Its a bit sad really that this awareness has come so sharply and painfully. I just hope she can recover from it without too much trauma.
Anyway, while Moo was out Pud and i spent some time on a BBC Learning is Fun magazine. It had several fun things to do, including a small bit on Japanese Kabuki Theatre and a web link to look at. So we did Its quite a nice little site, with a quicktime video of the making up of a bloke into a woman and several audio files of musical instruments and sounds. The next bit in the magazine is about the globe theatre, which we have touched on and it was quite good to be able to say “Kabuki theatre is as old as Queen Elizabeth” and have it make sense to her.
We also spent a bit of time playing with artstraws, did some weaving and made a present for a member of the family for Christmas.
Today (Friday) was just a ridiculously busy day. We were at skating for 9 and skated for an hour, then on to my cousins for 2 hours, then on to an HE group for another 2 hours. I was SHATTERED. But they all had a good day and thats what counts! The HE group was particularly good this week (always is really) – they did sticking and painting, made Xmas decs (Scruff painted one all herself!) did handprint angels on to a frieze, marzipaned the cake and did salt dough decorations. Moo ADORED this and made about 15 really really lovely ones. She was SO proud. She has been a bit wobbly this week for some reason and really enjoyed herself today. We have had a bit of “I don’t want nursery, i want to stay home with you.” She doesn’t exactly seem to “mean” it – but i am monitoring the situation.
i am now TOTALLY pooped. Tomorrow my pooter is being upgraded so at least i shouldn’t have to restart it so often!!!!! lets hope it works okay :~)
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