It does amuse me when you go to a relative amount of effort to get organised for an activity and then suddenly they go off at a complete tangent – in this case i finally got my whaley-butt in gear only to find Pud got enthralled by mazes generated by a v clever little program a grandad of some friends wrote. She did mazes for 2 1/2 hours!!!!!!! However she also wrote “Annie” on the magnetic writing board and a load of other words she asked me to write out to copy too. I watched her practise her “E” and “S”s for AGES!!!!! Gosh its hard, but you can sit back and it DOES all come together.
Moo got herself out playdough today and sat at it for ages in preference to telly- a major achievement and leap forward really – she is coming on loads.
Scruff is currently being a monster- really demanding and angry – if she wasn’t my 3rd she would be REALLY stressing me out! lol! I’ve always blamed this stage on me being pregnant, but no, its JUST A STAGE!!!!!!!