I now pronounce you….
Awww…… i love a wedding. Its a particularly nice thing when its someone you really love getting married and even nicer when you have a small and very excited girl being a bridesmaid.
The weekend started slightly inauspiciously when i woke up on Friday morning unable to breathe – actually really struggling to get a breath, rather than the bunged up sort of “not breathing”. I thought this rather strange so a doctor was called and i had a chest infection of the “bottom half of lungs stuck together” type. Clearly this was not good, although extremely strong antibiotics were produced to get me fit enough for a wedding the next day – but we had to abandon our original plan of me and Pud going up to Yorkshire early for the reception by train, as i just wasn’t up to it. So the small girls were shipped off to Granny and me, Pud and Daddy drove up instead. By the time we got there Daddy and Pud were clearly coming down with it too but we made it through the rehearsal, got drugged up, ate junk food and retired for a long and snuffly night. Twas a very nice posh hotel though so we managed to enjoy it!
Fortunately by the next day i was a lot better and Pud no worse. She hopped with excitement till it was time to go to the Bridesmaid house; i am so glad we did it that way – she felt such a big girl and we got to see Auntie Anne before hand. Anne is my best friend from school; we sat together in French from the 3rd year onwards and did RE GCSE and A Level together. She is now a teacher at a private boys school, having resolved firmly to never be any such thing until about 10 minutes before she was!
We travelled to the wedding in the bridesmaid car which was really lovely and she walked down the aisle with her “god brother” and the big bridesmaids, just beautifully. I didn’t know which to look at and only just avoided roaring! Anne beamed the whole way down, just as i did nearly 6 years ago and she positively grinned through the ceremony! Puds “godbrother” is the son of another of her friends, born 4 months after Pud and bizarrely (considering Anne never got round ot mentioning Puds name!) he has the boys version of her name. It was very odd to be saying “X give that to X” all the time cos Pud has never met anyone else with her name but they thought it was fantastic and really hit it off – he pulled faces at her across the aisle the whole time and she just giggled and giggled. Then throughout the reception they played constantly – so much for HE’d children not knowing how to socialise – clearly she is a very normal and well adjusted child! They ended up in the classical kids-at-wedding pose, under a table collecting chocolate and sparkly stuff to hoard! The took to the dance floor as soon as the jazz band started and held the floor on their own for about 40 minutes, completely unabashed! In fact Leisa and i wondered if we might end up at another wedding in 20 years or so – but if we do, one of them is going to have to surrender their name! Someone took a little video clip of her dancing – hopefully i’ll get it emailed to me.
So it all went well – unfortunately i forgot my camera, but have a couple of disposables to get developed which i will get done on to cds so i can upload some. I was sad to be poorly and not get to do lots of socialising but in a way it was lovely not to have to – i just got to sit and watch my lovely friend be happy all day – and that was enough. And Pud had such a great time and everyone made a fuss of her and told her how beautiful she was, and she needs those comments really cos you just never know when her scar might start to bother her – its lovely that people see her as gorgeous – cos she is!
Did find the odd conversation with teachers i had slightly weird – HE is obviously very hard to grasp but one asked me how i would manage to teach 3 “year groups” at once – like i would have 90 kids in my care or something! The she asked if i took half term off – as if i put the kids in the cupboard for the week or something! i suppose if i think back to when i first was interested in HE, it all seemed so un-do-able – but now i know so much better…. but really… year groups!!!!!