Kind of had a bad day today and didn’t post. Don’t have much to post today either except that Pud has been madly playing Reader Rabit reading 4-6 and really loving it. She voluntarily did two 2 1/2 hour stints this week and as its quite a structured and intensive word and phonics games, thats quite impressive!!!
Had a meeting with Moos keyworkers yesterday. That went very well, they seem to be getting a lot of the same behaviour as we do, which is reassuring, they are finding ways of suppporting her through it and reassured me that i am NOT imagining this!!! I found the reaction “we are learning we need to give her lots of pre-warning and talk through changes” so much nicer than “we are trying to get her to fit in” like you might expect. The are going to arrange for her to do her “reception year” there too, were very positive about HE being where she went from there and actually said they could really see that her home environment was good for her and being always around sisters who were kind but not completely compliant to her wishes, was very good for her. Further talk went on to the fact that the very experienced SENCO felt that although she would probably not get statemented if she went to school, due to her clearly being pretty clever and able to “cope”, she would certainly flounder in a reception class, particularly as we are not settled enough to be able to start looking around for the “best” of the schools in our area. So all in all i felt very supported and encouraged by the meeting.
What else, excellent slidy dancing this week, she remembered her whole programme and was so chuffed. Its very good for her – Auntie Kate is gentle and lovely but she is also strict and expects now that she is getting on a bit, that she would make the effort to listen and work on doing as her coach asks. And Pud really does work at it all. Its a joy to watch her being so adaptable.
Um…. nothing else – off for the wedding tomorrow.
Feel a bit ill 🙁