Paid the Postman
Finally got organised today and sent out our postcards for the exchange . I did labels then Pud decorated them and signed her name, and did it really well i thought – her writing is really coming on. We took them to the post office and she stuck on the stamps (with a quick chat about what stamps were) and went into the sorting room to post them. I post out my business parcels from there every night so i am good terms with the chaps who do the evening shift – they were really nice to her.
Moo went off to nursery again today – we had quite a lot of routines and stress from her again over the weekend, possibly cos i went away and came home poorly, but also i think cos she is tired and finding the change hard. I am not TOO concerned; she is clearly enjoying it and seems smiley and relaxed at home time, probably more so than she ever was after playgroup in fact – so even though its producing some downsides at home, its also producing some upsides too – so i think i shall keep going with it. Believe me, i am watching like a hawk. One lady who is particularly nice there, and who has an Aspergers son, was really nice today – she said she really “recognises” Moo and understands her – she gave me a couple of good tips for the hair twiddling and stuff that Moo does when she gets anxious. I do feel like they are on my side – i feel cautious but optimistic. Moo is utterly exhausted when she gets back but she is not going downhill fast and i was worried that might happen. I must admit it feels good to get time with Pud just 1 to 1 and know that Moo is having a good and useful time.
What with being ill yesterday i hadn’t really got my head in gear about today but as it turned out i didn’t really need to. All the girls have been virtually stuck to the box of duplo over the last few days – its been lovely to see them playing together building houses and gardens and goodness knows what with it. After Scruff went for a nap today Pud played with that and in her room for quite a while and then she came down and we made a Henry collage (and laminated it! lol!) put his family tree into our folder and found pictures of all his grandparents. We might look at castles and heraldry next week so (after a bit of a hunt and emergency post to mudpud!) we found his coat of arms and added that and the Tudor Rose to the folder too.
We’ve been trying to make dolls to dress in Tudor costume but somehow we aren’t getting the doll bit right – i might have to hunt for some cheap ones to use cos its stopping us do the bit we actually WANT to do. Still we have been hama-ing happily again, we have the dress to make, the castle to build, and loads more so i think we will be okay. This Tudor thing seems to have no end.
Today she said “Mummy – i want to learn about Kim (Miss Saigon) then Jesus, then learn to write, then learn how my body works.. then erm… then what else is there to know?” Bless….
Have you tried Fleshlight yet?