Henry Henry Henry…
Lol – in a bid to gather all the postcards, leaflets, books etc into some sort of order Pud and I pasted them into a ringbinder filled with sugar paper today and created a Henry box to keep the odds and bobs in. its nice and she is delighted – then we made lavender bags which are lovely (WILL post pics over the weekend!!!!) I think this MAY have been prompted by knowing the area has a new and slightly ill-informed LEA officer about :~/
Moo had a good day at nursery and seems quite animated about it. We also met the people who will be taking her there and she seemed okay with that and had a climb about in the car – fingers crossed… its working….
I’m in serious need of sleep – funny how knowing the Bub will “probably” wake up, keeps me up… sigh…..
Did i mention Moo has been dry at night for over a week now? Just suddenly did it – just like that- on her terms – just fabulous that girl :~)
The black bag routine is paying dividends now… we have managed to eliminate a fair bit of horded paper and she is trying really hard to put things away… now i just need someone to do this to me i think…. *looks shiftily at front room* I feel a bit mean about it but i don’t think its asking much to have paper and rubbish put in the bin is it? I really don’t mind toys out – its just not actually being able to open her door i find a bit… tiresome!
DH got a new job and an upgrade, so hopefully some of the pressure is going to start to ease now… lets hope so anyway :~)
This is only just a test
This is only just a test
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