Well – its been a lovely weekend.. although some sleep wouldn’t go amiss! We’ve seen great gran, been slidy dancing (ice skating), been to our town park which is gorgeous and full of beautiful trees, done some “stuff” and i pulled up everything in the front garden.
One of the things Pud and I did was make this….
which is a copy of an tudor costume made on to a little felt doll. We used this site to build up a proper layering of clothes
Tudor Doll for Sale from Crafts Unlimited
which consists of white felt body for “underclothes”, a blue felt wrap around skirt, a “stomacher” top, an over skirt and top (would be a bit like a fitted coat but we cheated by doing the two bits separately, and then a french hood headdress, complete with beads to trim it.
It was great fun – if i can refine the doll a bit so its easier to do, we might make this something we do with projects… she wants to do the rest of the wives and a full scale one for her! GULP!
Also – for posterity… the most beautiful Hama bead elephant, which is completely her own with no help at all…. i just love it.
Have you tried Fleshlight yet?