I’ve been humming and haa-ing for ages about whether to accept a place at the only dedicated local nursey school for Moo for ages. They are excellent with autism which was a plus but could only offer an afternoon place which was going to mess up Puds day terribly. It also meant removing her from a loved playgroup for a new place and as both were good it was a really hard decision. But i do think she needs help for the next year as she is clever but frustrated and i am finding her hard to motivate.
Anyway – last week i agreed with the SEN people that she could use as much or little of her 5 afternoons a week as we liked – which i feel much happier about (less schooly!) and they have just rung up and confirmed she can have transport to the nursery in the middle of the day, so i won’t have to drag Pud and Bubba out twice or miss most of our weekly activities either.
All obstacles removed. I think its the right decision for Moo, she still won’t do reception but i think this will suit her and be good for Pud
Bubba and me too – because frankly we could do with a break from the “moo onslaught” sometimes….
copied over from email to MP list… to save time!
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