Hmmmmm… whats new…? Well – its kind of been a “finally getting back to normal” week really. We’ve done most of our activities out of the house, which was nice and started to get back into the habit of seeing friendsd again – we have been woefully anti-social recently. Pud, having decided she no longer wants to go to playgroup, was at home monday and tuesday with me and Bubba, while Moo went off and had a thoroughly nice time at playgroup; althoguh she always gave the impression of enjoying having Pus there, she seems to have talked more without her – so i think that good.
It gave Pud the opportunity to do different stuff as well… uninterupted computer time, chill out time without squabbles etc etc – it was weird – the dynamic is very different without the middle one because a 5 yog and a 1 yog just don’t collide in the same way. i had planned on really “using” the time – but a few other issues meant i was pre-occupied and she was also in need of some wind down time i think. So we chilled and loved it! However, on tuesday we went for (a futile) walk to the local bank and chatted about all the gardens we saw – it was really interesting to see that in a street of 1930’s houses, the gardens all have much the same plants – we talked about the fact that the seeds had probably blown from garden to garden or been dropped in bird poo! On the way back we looked at the house numbers, sussed odd and even and she flawlessly counted from the 50’s to the 100’s – i was impressed! She is so into Henry VIII – see MuddlePuddle for what we have been up to.
Moo seems to have relaxed a bit now and is pretty happy – loves Zoombinis, loves Reader Rabbit, is picking out words all over the place and has an attachment to Elvis songs! (i think this may be a Lilo and Stitch thing!)
Bubba is doing a fair bit of walking now – its really really weird….
I’ve been updating the website a lot (MuddlePuddle) as well and have been making cushion covers for my cousins VW camper van which i am really enjoying… then there is the garden, the rabbits, my mums birthday pressie, getting unpacked… sigh….
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