We are having a remarkable few days in terms of learning really. My children are not following my intended plan of education at all – far from wishing to learn in a wholesome fashion with wooden manipulatives etc, they prefer to use computer games, but i have to say it seems to be working!!!! Currently they are obsessed with reader rabbit and are using the three in the 4-6 triple pack constantly – I was quite shocked to find Moo,who is 3, ably working through the reading package today – yesterday she walked past the maths one and chose the correct answer for 58+7 – i sort of hope it was a fluke or i am very scared!!!!
Pud seems to be doing quite well with the reading and maths, she sussed number patterns the other day and seems to have a reasonable grasp of the word games – she certainly seems to be getting the idea of sounding out words and listening and picking the right word. Has to be good! Pud is also doing quite a lot of work with numbers up to 100 – i have them all cut out on laminated paper and we are using a base ten set to make up numbers in ten bars and units – its not a bad game at all!!! She finds getting the names of the number hard sometimes even though she knows how to create the number in block – but often we make a number square first and then that refreshes her enough to remember through the game. I need to look up some more montessori activities for this as she is enjoying it. I think she feels a bit frustrated that moo is just as able as she is right now – she needs to move on for herself.
She is also very in to Henry 8th – the bad king, she calls him! We have one queen buried in our town so are going on a visit and i am going to do a little project with her. She drew me a picture of him tonight! Bless!!!
Have you tried Fleshlight yet?