Being determined to start the year by getting on top of some of my works in progress has been good for me. I do get irritated by having half finished projects under the bed but I get distracted so quickly. It’s terrible. First to find itself no longer half done is the Dartmoor pillow, which was begun in a Debbie Abrahams workshop on knitting design in the summer.

Daytime shot. I love this side.
I was full of optimism for this and planned it all out on the day of the workshop; it is 8 different squares (all 50 stitches or so across in 4 ply) but by the time I came to being 3/4 done, I wasn’t happy. Quite a bit of it got knitted actually on holiday, which meant I revisited lots of Dartmoor colours as we walked and realised how much was missing. PLus I fell in love with the felted tweed and regretted some of my yarn choices.
I’ve ended up making it up with my less happy squares on the back and Josie has taken ownership of it. I’m gonig to remake it in 9×9 smaller squares, all felted tweed and with some yellow and rust added and I think that will be better. I fancy making another version in crochet too.
The plan for this piece of rainbow knitting had been a summer blanket for Bene as he grew but he woke up about when I started, plus it was unwieldy and ‘not fun’ to knit. The now discontinued aran weight Debbie Bliss Eco Cotton split terribly so even though it had a gorgeous drape, I just lost heart.
I managed to get an extra ball of the red, yellow and green which allowed me to make up a trim in small granny squares to attach to the top and bottom plus a strap. A friend has passed on some red wool (HH, don’t forget to tell me the cost!) to go into the inside as a bag liner and strap back for it and I think it will do nicely as a rather hippy shoulder bag.

As a rescued project, I think it works. Was a blanket, now a bag. Just needs the lining and strap attached.
It’s far from perfect because of course it wasn’t originally intended to be a bag and the sizing isn’t spot on – but I like it and it’s another nearly ticked off project (I need to dig out the sewing machine to complete it).
And then, the never ending Lang Tosca scarf. I picked up this wool in Devon and I do love it, but first I frogged a lacy knit and then I got into a muddle with this pattern from Simply Crochet.

On to my 3rd wip. This one is going to be ongoing I think. Itching to start something new but not sure what.
Ive not idea why, but it was shrinking 🙁 plus extremely annoying to make. Frogged again. I’ve got two new ideas for this now, one being a small granny square something using one ball of it as the centre for squares that will be surrounded by my frogged Bergere De France yarn and another as a similar to the previous scarf but in a peephole chevron stitch. It grows nice and fast! Hurrah!

Frogged the lace and restarted a #UseUpYarnYear granny and an open ripple scarf. Much happier.
This has kept me company today while the boy and I have felt very poorly, along with Stephen Fry and Pocoyo 😉
These are probably the worst wip offenders so I shall fell much better once they are signed off. Onward through my #UseUpYarnYear
What have you been stitching?
I love looking at other people’s projects. The cushion is lovely, and that rainbow-ey colour wool is just gorgeous.
I am not so much of a multiple WIPer…. I am still plodding on with my first (and last!) blanket, and feeling despondent about ever finishing. in fact, I feel unable, morally, to start anything new until this is done. Perhaps I have the opposite problem: I need more WIPs to keep my interest up! I might make myself a hat as a little break….
Sounds very impressive (if only I could understand what you are on about – being a non knitter/crocheter myself 🙂 🙂 )
I am trying to get hang of my crochet .. I have done one line ~ help