Today’s Puddler group was on Dinosaurs – as usual it was excellent – this week we had 23 paying children and probably around another 10 small people – it is just morphing into my ideal group. It’s pleasant to be at, the facilities are excellent and everyone seems really committed to making it happen. The activities are always good and attendence seems to be consistantly high. Definitely seems to prove there was a need for it.
Today, along with plenty of books we had:
Dinosaurs models and a mat.
Plenty of Playdough and Dino bits to stick in them.
Colouring from Ladybird (nice non-scary dinos!)
Dinosaur paper to make your own – i only got this in the very first ever MP co-op – i knew it would come in useful eventually!
Origami Pterosaurs
And possibly something else i’ve forgotten too!
Lots of fun seemed to ensue in flying the dinos off the stairs – ah well…..
SB had a great day too.
we had lots of fun. thank you!
You really captured the children in their moments of concentration,it was a lovely afternoon.